Tools for Staff & Faculty

The following tools provide guidance on how to recognize and refer students in distress. 

Act Swiftly! 

  • The guide covers who you should contact if you have a concern and includes a contact list for key campus departments who can assist you. 

Student of Concern Consultation | UCSF Student Life

  • Student of Concern Consultation is a service offered by Student Life that partners with our campus departments, faculty, and staff by fostering collaboration and offering recommendations regarding issues concerning our students.


Promoting Student Mental Health:

A guide for UC faculty and staff 

  • This guide was developed jointly by all 10 UC campuses and Office of the President 
  • The guide is available online or you may request a printed copies by emailing your school/division Mental Health Liaison to request a copy. 
  • The guide covers campus specific resources as well as: 
  • Recognizing Students in Distress 
  • Indicators of Distress 
  • Knowing When and How to Take Action 
  • Cultural Diversity: Barriers to seeking care and special considerations 
  • Responding to a Distressed Student 
  • Unique Considerations for Professional and Graduate students 
  • What can you do as a faculty or staff member to reduce student stress? 


  • SMHW maintains a listserv which is used to distribute information to staff and faculty relevant to student mental health needs. 
  • SMHW will send approximately 4-8 message per year which contain information such as: 
  • List of outreach programs each term to which you can refer students 
  • Updated resource information (ex: SeeSayDo guide updates) 
  • Notice of change in SMHW services 

Sign up instructions: 

  • To subscribe follow these directions exactly: 
  • Send a one-line email message from the email address you want to use to receive information. 
  • In the "To" field, enter: [email protected] 
  • Leave the "Subject" field blank! Do not enter any text here. 
  • In the body of the message, enter: subscribe shcsfacstaff yourfirstname yourlastname 
    • (Substitute in your own first and last names.) 



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