Advisory Committee (SHAC)

The charge to the Student Health and Counseling Services Advisory Committee is to advise the Vice Chancellor for Student Academic Affairs, in the following areas:

  • To provide input regarding the quality of the Student Health and Counseling Services Program in meeting the needs of UCSF students;
  • To serve as the evaluating body for the Graduate Student Health Insurance Plan (UC-SHIP) benefits design;
  • To serve as a liaison between Student Health and Counseling Services and the student body in order to promote communication and outreach; and
  • To review other current UCSF student health care issues; and
  • To review the student health fees list.


The Student Health Services Advisory Committee (SHAC) provides student and faculty input to Student Health & Counseling. General quality-of-care issues and/or grievances can be addressed at these meetings either informally or formally, anonymously or by direct contact as described below:

All Student Mental Health & Wellbeing eligible learners are welcome to join a SHAC meeting and address a concern. To find out when and where the meetings take place, call Student Mental Health & Wellbeing Services at 415-476-1281 or email [email protected].

All students and enrollees are also welcome to contact a member of SHAC directly. The student representatives, faculty members, and Student Mental Health and Wellbeing Services management are eager to hear your feedback. To contact any member of the committee, please see the member list below. The member will take your comments directly (and anonymously, if you wish) to the SHAC meeting.

To make an informal review of a dispute or concern, you can request that the Chair of the SHAC act as a neutral third party to help resolve the dispute. The Chair may act individually or call upon members of the SHAC to assist in developing the most appropriate strategy for problem-solving. This process remains informal and without written report. Proposed settlements or suggested concessions made during the informal resolution are not binding in the event that the problem remains unresolved. If you are unable to successfully rectify your problem, you may wish to initiate a formal review of your complaint.

To make a formal review of a dispute or concern, you must follow the Formal Complaint Procedures as provided through Student Academic Affairs. For more information please see: Student Academic Affairs.

The committee is comprised of voting members-- Students and faculty from each school and the Graduate Division; student representatives from the Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) & and non-voting members-- representatives from Student Financial Services and Student Mental Health and Wellbeing Services.