Staff and faculty play a critical role in identifying and assisting students experiencing mental health difficulties. Student Mental Health and Wellbeing (SMHW) is here to support you in assisting students in need.
Faculty Consult Service
It is not uncommon for students to experience issues and concerns that impact their ability to perform academically or thrive in their personal lives. SMHW mental health counselors regularly consult with faculty and staff who have concerns about students. In addition to direct counseling services for students, SMHW counselors provide ongoing consultation throughout the year to faculty, advisors, and other university staff. We recognize that faculty and staff are often the first to notice when students are struggling and may want guidance on how best to respond and support the student in obtaining further assistance.
Next steps: To consult with a SMHW counselor – contact your school or divisions assigned Mental Health Liaison.
Common Questions:
- “How do I encourage a student to consider seeking mental health counseling?"
- "How do I know if I should be calling you or the UC Police?"
- "What is my role in this situation? What should I say or not say?"
- "What resources are available to students for assistance?"
We Offer:
- Information about how to access our services.
- General consultation and guidance for faculty, staff or students regarding students who may be having psychological difficulties or appear to be in distress.
- Referrals to other campus resources such as Student Disability Services and Learning Resource Services.
Confidentiality and Information Disclosure
SMHW will support you in working with a student of concern and it can be helpful for SMHW clinicians to receive information about students who need our help, but we are not at liberty to discuss information we acquire from the student without a release. Due to confidentiality laws, SMHW will not release any details about a student who is seeking our services without that student’s consent. To request a Release of Information (ROI) link
Supporting UCSF Students in Distress
This guide is intended to help faculty and staff know what to do if they feel that a learner may be in distress. Supporting Students in Distress | Student Academic Affairs
Staff and Faculty Trainings
Promoting Student Mental Health and Wellbeing and Assisting Students in Distress
SMHW conducts an annual presentation at both the Mission Bay and Parnassus campuses for faculty and staff. The presentation covers how to help promote students’ mental health and to recognize and support students having difficulties. Invitations are sent via email to faculty and staff listservs.
SMHW mental health staff present information, but there is also ample time for discussion and questions. Please check back for future training dates.
Request a Training
SMHW mental health clinicians will work with departments or groups who have specific concerns or needs related to student mental health to develop customized trainings that address a unique need or situation. Staff will also present more generally about Assisting Students in Distress for an identified cohort of faculty and/or staff.
To inquire, contact your school or division’s SMHW Liaison.
Referring Students to Mental Health and Wellbeing Services
How Students Can Access Counseling
Students can self-book online or call 415-476-1281 and indicate they want to schedule an appointment with a counselor for a Brief Consult. If the student feels their need is urgent, non-emergency concern, then they should indicate an Urgent Contact appointment to the staff member scheduling the appointment.
How Faculty and Staff May Facilitate Access to Counseling
Faculty and Staff may contact SMHW directly to assist a student in making an appointment or to pass along information about a student they are referring for counseling.
- Faculty and staff may contact their school’s assigned liaison. (Counselors may take a few hours to a day or more to get back to you depending on the days they work or clinical schedule).
- May contact the Executive Director (415-476-1683) or Director (415-476-8745) of SMHW who may be more accessible during the day if the need is more urgent.
- May contact the front office staff who schedule appointments to facilitate a student getting an appointment at (415-476-1281). SMHW phones are answered 8am-5pm Monday- Friday.
If you are afraid a student may imminently injure themselves or others – please contact the UC Police and notify SMHW. (9+911 from any campus phone or 415-476-6911 from a non-campus phone; SMHW 415-476-1281). You can also walk a student to the UCSF ER for immediate assistance if threat of harm to self or others is imminent.
24/7 MH Consult Line
Students can call the main SMHW number any time (415-476-1281, option 2) to be connected to a trained counselor. This service is staffed by a company with whom SMHW has a contract to provide crisis support services. This option can be used for students in distress anytime SMHW is closed. If SMHW is open, contacting the clinic is the student’s best option.